Manager says law enforcement searched Charlottesville suspect's apartment


James Fields, Jr. was arrested on charges he drove into a group of protesters demonstrating against a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va. (WSYX/WTTE)

The manager of a Northwest Ohio apartment complex said Charlottesville suspect James Fields Jr. moved in sometime in April and signed a year lease.

Heather Schuster works for Oak Hill Investment L.L.C. as a manager and said it is her understanding that there have been no complaints against Fields during his time as a resident. The complex is located in Maumee, just south of Toledo, Ohio.

She believes law enforcement has been at the complex and inside the apartment. The maintenance man told her he let the police and FBI into the unit

ABC6/FOX28 was told Fields was a good tenant in terms of paying rent. Schuster said it is her understanding the Fields live alone with a cat.

The manager would not divulge further details about Fields or his employment.


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